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29 January 2006

American Psycho [Mov] [Eng]

Written by Pearl

"So beyond the gore and the nudity of the movie, American Psycho is really a movie that provokes thinking, albeit in a shocking manner. It's a movie worthy of its praises and all the controversies."

Released In


Christian Bale .... Patrick Bateman
Justin Theroux .... Timothy Bryce
Josh Lucas .... Craig McDermott
Bill Sage .... David Van Patten
Chloë Sevigny .... Jean
Reese Witherspoon .... Evelyn Williams
Samantha Mathis .... Courtney Rawlinson
Matt Ross .... Luis Carruthers
Jared Leto .... Paul Allen
Willem Dafoe .... Det. Donald Kimball
Cara Seymour .... Christie
Guinevere Turner .... Elizabeth
Stephen Bogaert .... Harold Carnes
Monika Meier .... Daisy
Reg E. Cathey .... Al, the Derelict

For more info

CB plays Patrick Bateman here, an extremely vain, materialistic, empty, high-income yuppy. There's lots of sex, nudity and violence, but I can say that it all serves the story very well.

American Psycho was made as a satire of American society of the 80s, where the author thought was characterized by materialism and filled with people without no purpose in life except surface vainty. In the beginning of the movie Bateman is introduced as mingling with his friends at the most expensive restarunts, paying exhorbidant bills using cashcards, and indulging in facials and tanning sessions.

Therefore, Bateman is the epitome of the materialistic society - handsome, rich, enjoying the high life. But because of that, he is empty inside. And the only thing that he believes makes him able to feel is by shedding blood.

You talked about the scene that made you laugh. I haven't watched it but I think I know which sex scene you mean. Yes, that was one scene that really told you how vain, how empty, and how void of feelings this man is. He has taken this obssession to the highest level, and nothing can surpass that to make him feel other than torturing and killing.

The movie towards the end is actually both intriguing and quite sad also, cos he becomes a total wreck and u actually start to wonder, did he actually do all the killings or were these just his desperate fantasies? Throughout the movie he takes on different identities in his interactions with people, yet by the end he realizes that he cannot find his real self.

So beyond the gore and the nudity of the movie, American Psycho is really a movie that provokes thinking, albeit in a shocking manner. It's a movie worthy of its praises and all the controversies.

If u're intending to watch this movie thou, do be prepared for some very scary scenes. Apparently the director has made it less gory tha it was in the book, but it still freaks me out. And oh yes, my my what a hot bod!

Reese Witherspoon plays Bateman's fiancee in a relationship that is as vain as Bateman himself. Basically there is no intimacy between them, and both of them kind of harbour an 'open secret' that they are each having an affair with someone else. Quite a small role thou.

So were the killings real or imagined? Frankly I dunno, and in fact this is a question that has been debated among fans of the movie. Director Mary Harron does admit that the screenplay really is based on her interpretation of the book, so it's up to audiences to decide.

Personally I think it may be imagined, thou there's always this possibility that I may be thinking too much into it.

Some Clips
You can download some very imaginative fan made tribute to the character in this movie at Just a word of advice - don't watch it in front of a lot of people (Funn Lim)


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