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21 November 2005

Flight Plan [Mov] [Eng]

Written by Funn Lim

"Well I suspect Asians, especially Malaysians may have a difficult but fun time with the title Flight Plan. For one, I almost pronounced it as Fight Plan, so it could be a movie about boxing whilst on the plane. My sister thought Fright Plan is quite a title, since this movie depicts a situation every parent would not want to be found in. If it is a cooking show in the plane, it could be Fried Pan. If you're a writer, Find Pen would be nice...I will bet though many will pronounce it as Fight Pan. "


Alternative Titles
When Finding Nemo was first released, at pasar malams you can hear "Fighting Nemo! Fighting Nemo sold here!". For a moment I thought did Pixar released a movie about fighting fish?

I almost pronounced Lord of The Rings : Return Of The King as Lod of the Ling : Letun of the King thanks to my friend who said Letun of the King when she was talking very very fast.

Well I suspect Asians, especially Malaysians may have a difficult but fun time with the title Flight Plan. For one, I almost pronounced it as Fight Plan, so it could be a movie about boxing whilst on the plane. My sister thought Fright Plan is quite a title, since this movie depicts a situation every parent would not want to be found in. If it is a cooking show in the plane, it could be Fried Pan. If you're a writer, Find Pen would be nice.

I will bet though many will pronounce it as Fight Pan.

Released In

English with a dash of German.

Directed by
Robert Schwentke

Writing credits
Peter A. Dowling (written by) and
Billy Ray (written by)

Jodie Foster .... Kyle Pratt
Peter Sarsgaard .... Carson
Sean Bean .... Captain Rich
Kate Beahan .... Stephanie
Michael Irby .... Obaid
Assaf Cohen .... Ahmed
Erika Christensen .... Fiona
Shane Edelman .... Mr. Loud
Mary Gallagher .... Mrs. Loud
Haley Ramm .... Brittany Loud
Forrest Landis .... Rhett Loud
Jana Kolesarova .... Claudia
Brent Sexton .... Elias
Marlene Lawston .... Julia Pratt
Judith Scott .... Estella

And a plane full of passengers plus a really big plane like the Airbus A380 type.

Taken from

Flying at 40,000 feet from Berlin to New York, Kyle Pratt (Foster) faces every mother's worst nightmare when her young daughter Julia (Lawston) vanishes mid-flight. Already emotionally devastated by the unexpected death of her husband, Kyle desperately struggles to prove her sanity to the disbelieving flight crew and passengers, while facing the very real possibility that she may be losing her mind. Though neither Captain Rich (Bean), nor Air Marshal Gene Carson (Sarsgaard) want to doubt the bereaved widow, all evidence indicates that her daughter was never on board, resulting in paranoia and doubt among the passengers and crew of the plane. Desperately alone, Kyle can only rely on her own wits to solve the mystery and save her daughter.

How can a parent lose a child sitting right next to them in a plane flying like up there? Well this movie will explain how.

Ever since I became obsessed with National Geographic's Air Crash Investigation, I began to notice movies about plane crashes and real plane crashes as well. It's not very funny if you ask me to notice such stuff because they can be depressing. So when this movie was released with Jodie Fosters' huge panicking face in the poster, I was quite interested in this movie, more so it takes place on a plane.

When I saw the trailer for this movie, I was laughing though, more so when someone cheekily asked "Has she checked the luggage compartment?" and indeed they did just that in the movie, so it's not so funny anymore in retrospect. Anyway I watched this movie because

a. I wanted to go to Debenhams for shopping
b. I like the Berjaya Times Square GSC cinema
c. Curious how the girl disappeared in the plane
d. and the most important reason of all, Sean Bean.

Ever since I watched LOTR, I became somewhat of a Sean Bean fanatic. I think he is a great actor but often overlooked and often underrated. Maybe he should change his name to Shaun Beehn, more exotic perhaps? Before I watched this movie I told myself "Ahhh Sean Bean, the non-American, surely the villain". So as not to spoil your viewing pleasure but also because you might be wondering the same thing you Sean Ben fans, you can happily go watch this movie knowing nope, he's not the villain. In fact he played the role of the captain in such a dignified manner, I became more of a Sean Bean fanatic after this movie although his role is like nanoseconds you know.

Anyway, the plot first.

At first it sounds very ridiculous. It boils down to "How can a parent lose a child sitting right next to them in a plane flying like up there?", "Who would go to so much effort to do this?" and "Why??".

Well the movie explains it and to tell you will spoil it but really it's not a question of how, since not many people notice other people nowadays. It is not a question of who, since it's not Sean Bean which I am thankful because that would be so obvious so any "who" will do. But the why part was the most ridiculous aspect of this movie. Watch this movie and see if you agree with me. I find the why part the weakest because it does not make sense. Maybe if more people were involved, maybe it may make sense and then the question is again WHY KYLE PRATT? This movie explained it and you realise it has very little to do with the fact that she built the plane but for reasons even until now I find it hard to accept. So throw your logic of whys out of the window and only then WHO and HOW will definitely be very interesting to watch.

Performance wise, Jodie Foster deserves an Oscar for this performance. I am serious! She was so good as the frantic mother. At first she looked slightly embarassed as her daughter has a tendency of walking away from her. But before that she as a grieving wife (her husband just jumped off the roof and she was on her way back to America with his body and her daughter) and believably so. She looked so old, very little make up and the stress on her face shows. Then when she became frantic and called for the Captain's help, she was insistent and very panicky. When she was informed that her daughter was never on the plane and that she died, her performance was so very good, you can't help but feel frantic for her. Like her you do question whether she imagined it but really, got some more half way to go for this movie, surely she can't be imagining stuff? But the way Jodie Foster interpreted the role, the grief, the disbelief or almost believing it all was really the highlight of this movie. She basically carried the entire movie and her performance was excellent.

I must mention though that the name Kyle Pratt sounds like a man's name and indeed a man was originally slated for this role until the director realised a woman may be more effective as a frantic parent. But I would love to see a man in this role because I believe a man can be as frantic as a woman, more so wife just died and daughter disappeared in a plane. A pity but Jodie Foster was marvellous.

Sean Bean, as I have mentioned above was wonderful. He played the captain who is seriously conflicted whether to believe a potentially mad woman or ignore her. His conscience got to him and he agreed for the plane to be searched. A very dignified performance. He looks so much more older in here though.

Peter Sarsgaard who plays the marshall on board looks like he's on drugs. I mean this guy's eyes and his lazy speech will induce you to sleep but perhaps it was deliberate. On restrospect, I do think his performance was ok but you have to see the entire movie to know why.

The little girl, Marlene Lawston I think who plays Julia Pratt had very little role but she is cute as in childlike cute which is so very are in Hollywood these days.

The rest are forgettable.

The other great aspect of this movie is being able to see the interior of this plane, places where either you're the pilot or in a Hollywood movie only you can see. I marvel at the computers and all. What a sight but some looked fake.

Overall, forget about some parts of the plot, the highlight of this movie is the performances of Jodie Foster whose performance alone makes gives this movie a very high standard and with Sean Bean in this movie, I can't bring myself not to recommend this movie. But be forwarned, the plot is ridiculous.

A must watch, especially for Jodie Foster and Sean Bean fans or fans of good acting basically.


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